How to Boost Testosterone Naturally - 7 WAYS

Hello Friends!

Welcome to hwwh us talk about testosterone.

Testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for the growth of muscle mass.

It is responsible for the growth of hair on your body.

It improves sex drive, bone density and strength.

Our body produces testosterone naturally.

But because of poor lifestyle, low test levels in males is a common problem.

Because of which they find it difficult to build muscles.

They start to lose out hair at a very early age and many other problems.

Some people inject testosterone in the form of drugs.

We must know that once we start doing this, our body stops producing testosterone naturally.

This is not an ideal condition and it has a lot of side effects.

So in this article, I’m going to share with you 6 ways by which you can boost your testosterone naturally.


The number one way by which you can take care of your testosterone levels is by taking care of your diet and nutrition.

The foods that we eat impact our hormones in a positive or a negative way.

Needless to say, one should maintain a balanced diet.

Specifically talking about testosterone, there are three ingredients that should be in your diet on a daily basis.

These are Zinc, Vitamin D, and Fats.

Foods which are rich in Zinc are Spinach, Kidney beans, Flaxseeds, Garlic, Peanuts,

Eggs, Brown rice, etc.

Nuts are a healthy and convenient snack that can boost your intake of zinc and many other healthy nutrients.

Some seeds like hemp, pumpkin, squash, and sesame seeds contain significant amounts of zinc. They are also a good source of fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins, making them a healthy addition to your diet.

Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and beans all contain substantial amounts of zinc.

Meat is an excellent source of zinc. A 100-gram serving of raw ground beef provides 44% of the DV.

Shellfish like oysters, crab, mussels, and shrimp can all contribute to your daily zinc needs.

Talking about Vitamin D, the best natural

source available to us is Sunlight.

So one can sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes on a daily basis.

However, the foods rich in Vitamin D are Mushrooms, Tuna, Salmon, Eggs, Milk, etc.

Fats, especially saturated fat, is very helpful in boosting testosterone levels.

However, one should keep in mind that the daily recommended intake of saturated fat is not more than 20 grams.

Some of the foods which are rich in saturated fats are Egg yolks, Chicken, Coconut, Paneer, and other dairy products. If you will include these foods in your diet, you will see that your test levels will start increasing.


The right type of exercise can have a dramatic effect on the production of testosterone. Specially weight training, when done even 3 to 4 times a week can boost your testosterone levels considerably. Studies have suggested that the higher the intensity of work out is, the greater will the response of testosterone.

So doing short workouts of not more than 45 minutes to 1 hour will least amount of rest periods in between is very beneficial.

Also, do not miss a leg day.

Legs have the biggest muscles in your body and training them on a regular basis can boost your testosterone levels substantially.

So weight training or any form of resistance training is one of the best ways to increase the production of testosterone.


When it comes to sleep, it is always about quality and not quantity.

After you wake up in the morning from a good sound sleep, your test levels are at peak and slowly they drop by the evening.

So, I would suggest you to have a sound sleep for about 7 to 8 hours. In order to have deep sleep, you can do two things, one is that you maintain sleep timings. Other is that you stay away from the phone, laptop, and other electronic gadgets half an hour before you sleep. Believe me, it will help you sleep very easily and you will have a sound sleep. This, in turn, will boost your testosterone levels rapidly.


When we are stressed out, our body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is inversely proportional to testosterone. That means the higher the level of cortisol in the body, the lower will be the testosterone. Apart from this, there are many disadvantages of having a high cortisol level in the body. So one should make an effort to reduce the stress levels. You can work out, meditate or the best way is to spend some time doing something that you really love.


Now, there are 3 things that you should avoid or keep them in moderation when it comes to boosting your testosterone levels. These are alcohol, cigarettes, and processed sugar. All three affect the body in such a way that it starts producing less amount of testosterone.


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If you are overweight, shedding a few kilos can increase your testosterone levels. According to studies, overweight men are more likely to have low testosterone levels. So basically, if you follow the points that we have already discussed, you will be able to optimize your bodyweight.


You need to increase the amount of energy receptors in order to have your testosterone have a bigger effect on your body.

A great way to do this is by supplementing l-carnitine and L tartrate which upregulates androgen receptors making more of them throughout your body but a more effective way to increase your androgen receptors is by  avoiding overstimulation especially from drugs and porn because scientists have observed a correlation between overstimulation and a drop in overall androgen receptors 

So, friends, these were some of the best and

the most effective ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

I hope you found this article helpful. Well, if you did, please do give it a thumbs up and tell us which ones(s) you will start applying soon. Goodbye for now and don't forget to share.


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